var entityMap = {
"<": "<",
">": ">"
var messages = new Array();
function escapeHtml(string) {
return String(string).replace(/[<>]/g, function (s) {
return entityMap[s];
function relationshipChangeEvent(){
var relationship = document.getElementById("relationship");
function relationshipDecChangeEvent(){
var relationship = document.getElementById("relationshipDecendentDeath");
function relationshipChange(relationship){
var relationshipSelIndex = relationship.selectedIndex;
var relationshipValue = relationship.options[relationshipSelIndex].value;
var uploaddoczone = document.getElementById("uploaddoczone");
var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
var ufile = document.getElementById("upload-table");
var ufilestatus = document.getElementById("uploaded-files-status");
var mdropzone = document.getElementById("mdropzone");
var mufile = document.getElementById("mupload-table");
var progress = document.getElementById("progress");
var mprogress = document.getElementById("mprogress");
var divUploadSupportDoc = document.getElementById("divUploadSupportDoc");
var addDocTitle = document.getElementById("addDocTitle");
var addDocBody = document.getElementById("addDocBody");
var addDocTitle1 = document.getElementById("addDocTitle1");
var addDocBody1 = document.getElementById("addDocBody1");
var addIDTitle = document.getElementById("addIDTitle");
var addIDBody = document.getElementById("addIDBody");
var addIDTitle1 = document.getElementById("addIDTitle1");
var addIDBody1 = document.getElementById("addIDBody1");
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var addIDBody2 = document.getElementById("addIDBody2");
var addIDTitle3 = document.getElementById("addIDTitle3");
var addIDBody3 = document.getElementById("addIDBody3");
var addMoreID = document.getElementById("addMoreID");
var imgFilePath = document.getElementById("imgFilePath").value;
var imgFilePath1 = document.getElementById("imgFilePath1").value;
var imgFilePath2 = document.getElementById("imgFilePath2").value;
var imgFilePath3 = document.getElementById("imgFilePath3").value;
var docFilePath1 = document.getElementById("docFilePath1").value; = "none"; = "none"; = "none"; = "none"; = "none"; = "none";
if (imgFilePath != null && imgFilePath != "") { = "";
}else { = "none";
if (imgFilePath1 != null && imgFilePath1 != "") { = "";
if (imgFilePath2 != null && imgFilePath2 != "") { = ""; = "";
if (imgFilePath3 != null && imgFilePath3 != "") { = ""; = ""; = "";
if (docFilePath1 != null && docFilePath1 != "") { = "";
if (relationshipValue == "Legal Guardian" || relationshipValue == "Legal Representative"){"";""; = "";
} else {"none";
function expeditedShipInfo(){
//var divFAQ = document.getElementById("divFAQ");
// = '';
//var iframeFAQ = document.getElementByID("iframeFAQ");
//set the location of iframeFAQ to the # anchor within the FAQ here.
//iframeFAQ.document.location.href = "FAQURL.jsp#expeditedship";
function penInHandInfo(){
//var divFAQ = document.getElementById("divFAQ");
// = '';
//var iframeFAQ = document.getElementByID("iframeFAQ");
//set the location of iframeFAQ to the # anchor within the FAQ here.
//iframeFAQ.document.location.href = "FAQURL.jsp#peninhand";
function displayFAQ(){
//var divFAQ = document.getElementById("divFAQ");
// = '';
opener ='', 'roverFAQ');
function closeFAQ(){
var divFAQ = document.getElementById("divFAQ"); = 'none';
function selectAPO(){
//hide state and country fields for military addresses.
var divStateLabel = document.getElementById("divStateLabel");
var divCountryLabel = document.getElementById("divCountryLabel");
var divCountry = document.getElementById("divCountry");
var divDefaultCountry = document.getElementById("divDefaultCountry");
var chkAPO = document.getElementById("chkAPO");
var country = document.getElementById("country");
var countrySelectedIndex;
var countryV;
if (country != null) {
countrySelectedIndex = country.selectedIndex;
countryV = country.options[countrySelectedIndex].value;
if (chkAPO.checked == true){ = "none";
} else { = "";
if (countryV == "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA") {
divStateLabel.innerHTML = "State: *";
} else {
divStateLabel.innerHTML = "State:";
divCountryLabel.innerHTML = "Country: *"; = ""; = ""; = "none";
function checkAddrAPO(){
// addressCheck();
// selectAPOShip();
function addressCheck(){
//check the address for a po box
var address1Ship = document.getElementById("address1Ship");
var addrVal = address1Ship.value.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
var address2Ship = document.getElementById("address2Ship");
var addr2Val = address2Ship.value.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
var isPOBox = false;
var expeditedShip = document.getElementById("expeditedShip");
var divExpeditedShipMessage = document.getElementById("divExpeditedShipMessage");
if (addrVal.indexOf("POBOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addrVal.indexOf("P.O.BOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addrVal.indexOf("PO.BOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addrVal.indexOf("P.OBOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addrVal.indexOf("POSTOFFICEBOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addr2Val.indexOf("POBOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addr2Val.indexOf("P.O.BOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addr2Val.indexOf("PO.BOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addr2Val.indexOf("P.OBOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (addr2Val.indexOf("POSTOFFICEBOX") != -1){
isPOBox = true;
if (isPOBox == true){
if (expeditedShip != null) {
expeditedShip.checked = false;
expeditedShip.disabled = true;
divExpeditedShipMessage.display = "";
divExpeditedShipMessage.innerHTML = "Expedited Shipping is not available if you are using a P. O. Box.";
} else {
expeditedShip.disabled = false;
divExpeditedShipMessage.display = "none";
divExpeditedShipMessage.innerHTML = "";
return isPOBox;
function validateEmail(emailId) {
var valid = false;
var email = document.getElementById(emailId);
var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
var isEmailValid = re.test(email.value);
if (isEmailValid == true){
//alert("1 valid testing 2");
if (validEmail2(emailId) == true){
//alert("2 valid");
valid = true;
} else {
valid = false;
} else {
valid = false;
return valid;
function validEmail2(emailId){
var valid = false;
var email = document.getElementById(emailId);
//requirements list only .com .edu .gov and .org as valid domains.
var re = /([\w\-\.]*)@(([\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3})|([\w\-]+\.)+((([a-zA-Z\-0-9]))))/;
var isEmailValid = re.test(email.value);
if (isEmailValid == true){
valid = true;
} else {
valid = false;
return valid;
function doEmailsMatch(email, emailConfirm){
var valid = false;
var email = document.getElementById(email);
var emailConfirm = document.getElementById(emailConfirm);
if (email.value.trim() == emailConfirm.value.trim()){
valid = true;
} else {
valid = false;
return valid;
function doEmailsCaseMatch(email, emailConfirm){
var valid = false;
var email = document.getElementById(email);
var emailConfirm = document.getElementById(emailConfirm);
if (email.value.trim().toLowerCase() == emailConfirm.value.trim().toLowerCase()){
valid = true;
} else {
valid = false;
return valid;
function back(){
changes = false;
sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
function back0(){
changes = false;
sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
function checkZipCode(zipCode){
//Zip code validation removed to allow european addresses.
//validate integer and dash only, and length is 5 or 9 without the dash
var zipTemp = zipCode;
var valid = true;
zipTemp = zipTemp.replace("-", "");
if (isInteger(zipTemp) == false){
valid = false;
if ((zipTemp.length == 5) || (zipTemp.length == 9)){
//valid - 5 base is OK or 9 without dash is ok
} else {
//other lengths not valid
valid = false;
return valid;
function checkPhone(phone){
//Phone validation removed to allow european addresses.
//validate integer and dash only, and length is 10 or 9 without the dash and parenthese
var phoneTemp = phone;
var valid = true;
phoneTemp = phoneTemp.replace("-", "");
phoneTemp = phoneTemp.replace("(", "");
phoneTemp = phoneTemp.replace(")", "");
phoneTemp = phoneTemp.replace(" ", "");
if (isInteger(phoneTemp) == false){
valid = false;
if ((phoneTemp.length == 10)){
//valid - 10 base is OK
} else {
//other lengths not valid
valid = false;
return valid;
function limitZipCode(limitField, limitNum, limitMessage) {
//zip code limited to 9 characters except dashes allow it to go to 10
var removeDash = limitField.value.replace(/\-/g, "");
var dashCount = limitField.value.length - removeDash.length;
//alert(removeDash + " " + dashCount);
//remove dashes and count to max 9 characters not counting dashes.
if (removeDash.length > limitNum) {
limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum + dashCount);'block';
} else {
//alert("not limiting");
//limitCount.innerHTML = limitNum - limitField.value.length;
function checkAmendedYear(amendedYear){
var valid = true;
if (isInteger(amendedYear) == false){
valid = false;
if (amendedYear.length<4){
valid = false;
return valid;
function setTotals(sSearchFee, sAddCopiesFee, sProcessingFee, sExpeditedShipFee){
var vSearchFee = parseFloat(sSearchFee);
var vAddCopiesFee = parseFloat(sAddCopiesFee);
var vProcessingFee = parseFloat(sProcessingFee);
var vExpeditedShipFee = parseFloat(sExpeditedShipFee);
var divSearchFee = document.getElementById("divSearchFee");
var searchTotal = document.getElementById("searchTotal");
divSearchFee.innerHTML = vSearchFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
searchTotal.value = vSearchFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
var divAdditionalCopies = document.getElementById("divAdditionalCopies");
var addCopyTotal = document.getElementById("addCopyTotal");
divAdditionalCopies.innerHTML = vAddCopiesFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
addCopyTotal.value = vAddCopiesFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
var divProcessingFee = document.getElementById("divProcessingFee");
var processingTotal = document.getElementById("processingTotal");
divProcessingFee.innerHTML = vProcessingFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
processingTotal.value = vProcessingFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
var divExpeditedShippingFee = document.getElementById("divExpeditedShippingFee");
var expeditedShippingTotal = document.getElementById("expeditedShippingTotal");
divExpeditedShippingFee.innerHTML = vExpeditedShipFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
expeditedShippingTotal.value = vExpeditedShipFee.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
var sumFees = vSearchFee + vAddCopiesFee + vProcessingFee + vExpeditedShipFee;
var divFinalTotal = document.getElementById("divFinalTotal");
var finalTotal = document.getElementById("finalTotal");
divFinalTotal.innerHTML = sumFees.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
finalTotal.value = sumFees.formatMoney(2, '.', ',');
function addExpeditedShipFee(vExpeditedShipFee){
function checkRequiredFieldTextbox(fieldName){
var field = document.getElementById(fieldName);
var fieldValue = "";
if (field != null)
fieldValue = field.value;
if (fieldValue == ""){
return fieldName;
} else {
return "valuefound";
function checkUploadmodlues() {
var invalidCount = 0;
//check upload module additonalDoc1
var idType1 = document.getElementById("idType1").value;
var idNumber1 = document.getElementById("idNumber1").value;
var idDescriptionObj1 = document.getElementById("idDescription1");
var idDescription1;
if (idDescriptionObj1 != null)
idDescription1 = idDescriptionObj1.value;
var imgFilePath1 = document.getElementById("imgFilePath1").value;
var addIDstatus1 = document.getElementById("addIDstatus1");
var uploadedfilesstatus1 = document.getElementById("uploaded-files-status1");
var uploadadoc1 = document.getElementById("upload-adoc1");
if(imgFilePath1 == null || imgFilePath1 =="") {
if ((idType1 != null && idType1 != "") || (idNumber1 != null && idNumber1.trim() != "") || (idDescription1 != null && idDescription1.trim() != "")){
addIDstatus1.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
uploadadoc1.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addIDstatus1.innerHTML = '';
uploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = '';
} else {
if ((idType1 == null || idType1 == "") || (idNumber1 == null || idNumber1.trim() == "") ||
((idType1 == "6") && (idDescription1 == null || idDescription1.trim() == ""))){
addIDstatus1.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
if ((idType1 == "6") && (idDescription1 == null || idDescription1.trim() == "")) {
uploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = 'The ID Description of your aditional document is required.';
uploadadoc1.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addIDstatus1.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = '';
uploadadoc1.innerHTML = '
Support document was uploaded successfully!
//check upload module additonalDoc2
var idType2 = document.getElementById("idType2").value;
var idNumber2 = document.getElementById("idNumber2").value;
var idDescriptionObj2 = document.getElementById("idDescription2");
var idDescription2;
if (idDescriptionObj2 != null)
idDescription2 = idDescriptionObj2.value;
var imgFilePath2 = document.getElementById("imgFilePath2").value;
var addIDstatus2 = document.getElementById("addIDstatus2");
var uploadedfilesstatus2 = document.getElementById("uploaded-files-status2");
var uploadadoc2 = document.getElementById("upload-adoc2");
if(imgFilePath2 == null || imgFilePath2 =="") {
if ((idType2 != null && idType2 != "") || (idNumber2 != null && idNumber2.trim() != "") || (idDescription2 != null && idDescription2.trim() != "")){
addIDstatus2.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus2.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
uploadadoc2.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addIDstatus2.innerHTML = '';
uploadedfilesstatus2.innerHTML = '';
}else {
if ((idType2 == null || idType2 == "") || (idNumber2 == null || idNumber2.trim() == "") ||
((idType2 == "6") && (idDescription2 == null || idDescription2.trim() == ""))){
addIDstatus2.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus2.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
if ((idType2 == "6") && (idDescription2 == null || idDescription2.trim() == "")) {
uploadedfilesstatus2.innerHTML = 'The ID Description of your aditional document is required.';
uploadadoc2.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addIDstatus2.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus2.innerHTML = '';
uploadadoc2.innerHTML = 'Support document was uploaded successfully!
//check upload module additonalDoc3
var idType3 = document.getElementById("idType3").value;
var idNumber3 = document.getElementById("idNumber3").value;
var idDescriptionObj3 = document.getElementById("idDescription3");
var idDescription3;
if (idDescriptionObj3 != null)
idDescription3 = idDescriptionObj3.value;
var imgFilePath3 = document.getElementById("imgFilePath3").value;
var addIDstatus3 = document.getElementById("addIDstatus3");
var uploadedfilesstatus3 = document.getElementById("uploaded-files-status3");
var uploadadoc3 = document.getElementById("upload-adoc3");
if(imgFilePath3 == null || imgFilePath3 =="") {
if ((idType3 != null && idType3 != "") || (idNumber3 != null && idNumber3.trim() != "") || (idDescription3 != null && idDescription3.trim() != "")){
addIDstatus3.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus3.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
uploadadoc3.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addIDstatus3.innerHTML = '';
uploadedfilesstatus3.innerHTML = '';
}else {
if ((idType3 == null || idType3 == "") || (idNumber3 == null || idNumber3.trim() == "") ||
((idType3 == "6") && (idDescription3 == null || idDescription3.trim() == ""))){
addIDstatus3.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus3.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
if ((idType3 == "6") && (idDescription3 == null || idDescription3.trim() == "")) {
uploadedfilesstatus3.innerHTML = 'The ID Description of your aditional document is required.';
uploadadoc3.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addIDstatus3.innerHTML = '
uploadedfilesstatus3.innerHTML = '';
uploadadoc3.innerHTML = 'Support document was uploaded successfully!
//check upload module supportDoc1
var idTypedoc1 = document.getElementById("idTypedoc1").value;
var idNumberdoc1 = document.getElementById("idNumberdoc1").value;
var idDescriptiondocObj1 = document.getElementById("idDescriptiondoc1");
var idDescriptiondoc1;
if (idDescriptiondocObj1 != null)
idDescriptiondoc1 = idDescriptiondocObj1.value;
var docFilePath1 = document.getElementById("docFilePath1").value;
var addDocstatus1 = document.getElementById("addDocstatus1");
var muploadedfilesstatus1 = document.getElementById("muploaded-files-status1");
var uploadsdoc1 = document.getElementById("upload-sdoc1");
if(docFilePath1 == null || docFilePath1 =="") {
if ((idTypedoc1 != null && idTypedoc1 != "") || (idNumberdoc1 != null && idNumberdoc1.trim() != "") || (idDescriptiondoc1 != null && idDescriptiondoc1.trim() != "")){
addDocstatus1.innerHTML = '
muploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
uploadsdoc1.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addDocstatus1.innerHTML = '';
muploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = '';
}else {
if ((idTypedoc1 == null || idTypedoc1 == "") || (idNumberdoc1 == null || idNumberdoc1.trim() == "") ||
((idTypedoc1 == "6") && (idDescriptiondoc1 == null || idDescriptiondoc1.trim() == ""))){
addDocstatus1.innerHTML = '
muploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = 'Upload incomplete: Please either complete upload or clear all upload fields.';
if ((idTypedoc1 == "6") && (idDescriptiondoc1 == null || idDescriptiondoc1.trim() == "")) {
muploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = 'The ID Description of your aditional document is required.';
uploadsdoc1.innerHTML = '';
invalidCount += 1;
}else {
addDocstatus1.innerHTML = '
muploadedfilesstatus1.innerHTML = '';
uploadsdoc1.innerHTML = 'Support document was uploaded successfully!
return invalidCount;
//navigate back from birth certificate instructions to basic info form
function back1(){
changes = false;
sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
//navigate back from birth certificate form to birth certificate instructions
function back2(){
changes = false;
sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
//navigate back from death certificate form to death certificate instructions
function back2d(){
changes = false;
//navigate back from shipping form to birth certificate form
function back3(){
changes = false;
sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
//back from summary now takes you back one page in browser history because it is now a cancel button
function back4(){
//this has been changed to Cancel button instead of a Back button.
//sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
function editPhotoID(){
navFromSummaryPhotoID = true;
function editRequestor(){
navFromSummaryRequestor = true;
function editBirth(){
navFromSummaryBirth = true;
function editDeath(){
navFromSummaryDeath = true;
function editShip(){
navFromSummaryShip = true;
if (selectedType == "BIRTH"){
} else {
function amendedYesNo(){
var amendedYearRegistrantY = document.getElementById("amendedRegistrant:0");
var amendedYearRegistrantN = document.getElementById("amendedRegistrant:1");
var labelYearAmended = document.getElementById("labelYearAmended");
var amendedYearRegistrant = document.getElementById("amendedYearRegistrant");
if (amendedYearRegistrantY.checked == true){ = ""; = "";
if (amendedYearRegistrantN.checked == true) { = "none";
amendedYearRegistrant.value = ""; = "none";
function amendedYes(){
var amendedYearRegistrant = document.getElementById("amendedYearRegistrant"); = "";
var labelYearAmended = document.getElementById("labelYearAmended"); = "";
function amendedNo(){
var amendedYearRegistrant = document.getElementById("amendedYearRegistrant"); = "none";
amendedYearRegistrant.value = "";
var labelYearAmended = document.getElementById("labelYearAmended"); = "none";
function updateCopies(){
// var additionalCopies = document.getElementById("additionalCopies");
// var additionalCopiesDeath = document.getElementById("additionalCopiesDeath");
// var expeditedShip = document.getElementById("expeditedShip");
// var addCopiesTotal;
// if (selectedType == "BIRTH"){
// addCopiesTotal = additionalCopies.value * addCopiesFee;
// } else {
// addCopiesTotal = additionalCopiesDeath.value * addCopiesFee;
// }
// if (expeditedShip.checked == true){
// expeditedShippingSelected = true;
// setTotals(searchFee, addCopiesTotal, processingFee, expeditedShippingFee);
// } else {
// //expeditedShippingSelected = false;
// setTotals(searchFee, addCopiesTotal, processingFee, 0);
// }
function navigationEvents(){
// updateCopies();
sessionTimeout = sessionResetValue;
function isInteger(s){
var i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
// Check that current character is number.
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (((c < "0") || (c > "9"))) return false;
// All characters are numbers.
return true;
function stripCharsInBag(s, bag){
var i;
var returnString = "";
// Search through string's characters one by one.
// If character is not in bag, append to returnString.
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (bag.indexOf(c) == -1) returnString += c;
return returnString;
function daysInFebruary (year){
// February has 29 days in any year evenly divisible by four,
// EXCEPT for centurial years which are not also divisible by 400.
return (((year % 4 == 0) && ( (!(year % 100 == 0)) || (year % 400 == 0))) ? 29 : 28 );
function DaysArray(n) {
for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
this[i] = 31;
if (i==4 || i==6 || i==9 || i==11) {
this[i] = 30;
if (i==2) {
this[i] = 29;
return this;
function isDate(dtStr, fieldName, minYear, maxYear){
var daysInMonth = DaysArray(12);
var pos1=dtStr.indexOf(dtCh);
var pos2=dtStr.indexOf(dtCh,pos1+1);
var strMonth=dtStr.substring(0,pos1);
var strDay=dtStr.substring(pos1+1,pos2);
var strYear=dtStr.substring(pos2+1);
//return true if the values are not filled in. This will be handled be a required field validator when Next is clicked.
if (strDay == "-1"){
return "TRUE";
if (strMonth == "-1"){
return "TRUE";
if (strYear == ""){
return "TRUE";
if (strDay.charAt(0)=="0" && strDay.length>1){
if (strMonth.charAt(0)=="0" && strMonth.length>1){
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
if (strYr.charAt(0)=="0" && strYr.length>1){
var invalidMatch = false;
var message = "";
if (pos1==-1 || pos2==-1){
invalidMatch = true;
message = "The date format should be : mm/dd/yyyy in " + fieldName +".
if (strMonth.length<1 || month<1 || month>12){
invalidMatch = true;
message += "Please enter a valid month in " + fieldName +".
if (strDay.length<1 || day<1 || day>31 || (month==2 && day>daysInFebruary(year)) || day > daysInMonth[month]){
invalidMatch = true;
message += "Please enter a valid day in " + fieldName +".
if (strYear.length != 4 || year==0 || yearmaxYear){
invalidMatch = true;
message += "Please enter a valid 4 digit year between "+minYear+" and "+maxYear +" in " + fieldName +".
if (dtStr.indexOf(dtCh,pos2+1)!=-1 || isInteger(stripCharsInBag(dtStr, dtCh))==false){
invalidMatch = true;
message += "Please enter a valid date in " + fieldName +".
if (invalidMatch == true){
return message;
return "TRUE";
function checkDate(){
var monthRegistrant = document.getElementById("monthRegistrant");
var dayRegistrant = document.getElementById("dayRegistrant");
var yearRegistrant = document.getElementById("yearRegistrant");
var monthSelIndex = monthRegistrant.selectedIndex;
var monthValue = monthRegistrant.options[monthSelIndex].value;
var daySelIndex = dayRegistrant.selectedIndex;
var dayValue = dayRegistrant.options[daySelIndex].value;
var yearValue = yearRegistrant.value;
if (parseInt(yearValue) 0 && dayValue.length > 0 && yearValue.length > 0){
isDateResult = isDate(dateStringRegistrant, "Birth date", 1800, maxYear);
} else if (monthValue.length > 0 && dayValue.length > 0 && yearValue.length == 0){
//no year value
isDateResult = isMonthDayValid(monthValue, dayValue);
} else if (yearValue.length > 0){
if (yearValue.length == 4){
if (isNumber(yearValue) == true){
if (yearValue > 1800 && yearValue <= maxDeathYear){
isDateResult = "TRUE";
} else {
isDateResult = "FALSE";
} else {
isDateResult = "FALSE";
} else {
isDateResult = "FALSE";
} else {
//other date combos can not be validated. return a true
isDateResult = "TRUE";
if (isDateResult == "TRUE"){
// = "white";
// = "white";
// = "white";
return true;
} else {
// = "red";
// = "red";
// = "red";
return false;
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function checkDateBirthDeathCompare(){
//birth date
var monthRegistrant = document.getElementById("birthMonthDeath");
var dayRegistrant = document.getElementById("birthDayDeath");
var yearRegistrant = document.getElementById("birthYearDeath");
var monthSelIndex = monthRegistrant.selectedIndex;
var monthValue = parseInt(removeLeadingZero(monthRegistrant.options[monthSelIndex].value));
var daySelIndex = dayRegistrant.selectedIndex;
var dayValue = parseInt(removeLeadingZero(dayRegistrant.options[daySelIndex].value));
var yearValue = parseInt(yearRegistrant.value);
//var dateStringRegistrant = monthValue + "/" + dayValue + "/" + yearValue;
//death date
var monthRegistrant2 = document.getElementById("monthDeath");
var dayRegistrant2 = document.getElementById("dayDeath");
var yearRegistrant2 = document.getElementById("yearDeath");
var monthSelIndex2 = monthRegistrant2.selectedIndex;
var monthValue2 = parseInt(removeLeadingZero(monthRegistrant2.options[monthSelIndex2].value));
var daySelIndex2 = dayRegistrant2.selectedIndex;
var dayValue2 = parseInt(removeLeadingZero(dayRegistrant.options[daySelIndex2].value));
var yearValue2 = parseInt(yearRegistrant2.value);
//var dateStringRegistrant2 = monthValue2 + "/" + dayValue2 + "/" + yearValue2;
var d1 = new Date(yearValue, monthValue, dayValue);
var d2 = new Date(yearValue2, monthValue2, dayValue2);
//alert(yearValue + "/" + monthValue +"/" + dayValue);
//alert(yearValue2 + "/" + monthValue2 +"/" + dayValue2);
//alert(d1 > d2);
if (d1 > d2){
return false;
} else {
return true;
function removeLeadingZero(s){
while (s.charAt(0) == '0') {
if (s.length == 1) {
if (s.charAt(1) == '.') {
s = s.substr(1,s.length-1);
return s;
function getCheckedValue(radioObj) {
return "";
var radioLength = radioObj.length;
if(radioLength == undefined)
return radioObj.value;
return "";
for(var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) {
if(radioObj[i].checked) {
return radioObj[i].value;
return "";
function addOrReplaceMessage(messageKey, messageToAdd){
var divSpecial = document.getElementById("divSpecial");
var i = 0;
var strMessages = "";
var currMessageKey = "";
var currMessage = "";
var bMatchFound = false;
var message = new Message();
message.messageKey = messageKey;
message.message = messageToAdd;
for (i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){
currMessageKey = messages[i].messageKey;
if (currMessageKey == messageKey){
//match found. Replace.
messages[i].message = messageToAdd;
bMatchFound = true;
} else {
if (bMatchFound == false){
//loop through all messages and display.
for (i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){
strMessages += messages[i].message + "
divSpecial.innerHTML = strMessages;"";
function confirmBD(){
var checkedBirth = document.getElementById("checkboxBD");
if (checkedBirth.checked == true){
} else {
function removeMessage(messageKey){
var divSpecial = document.getElementById("divSpecial");
var currMessageKey = "";
var currMessage = "";
var strMessages = "";
for (i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){
currMessageKey = messages[i].messageKey;
if (currMessageKey == messageKey){
//loop through all messages and display.
if (messages.length > 0){
for (i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){
strMessages += messages[i].message + "
divSpecial.innerHTML = strMessages;"";
} else {
//hide messages box if empty = "none";
function removeAllMessages(){
var divSpecial = document.getElementById("divSpecial");
messages = new Array();
divSpecial.innerHTML = ""; = "none";
function Message(){
this.messageKey = "";
this.message = "";
function limitTextArea(limitField, limitCount, limitNum, limitWarning) {
limitField.value = limitField.value.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
if (limitField.value.length > limitNum) {
limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum); = "visible";
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limitCount.innerHTML = limitNum - limitField.value.length + " Characters remaining"; = "hidden";
function pageLoad(){
//ie does not select first item in drop down list by default.
//var additionalCopies = document.getElementById("additionalCopies");
//additionalCopies.selectedIndex = 0;
//var additionalCopiesDeath = document.getElementById("additionalCopiesDeath");
//additionalCopiesDeath.selectedIndex = 0;
function changeIdNumber() {
var val = $.trim($('#idNumber').val());
if (val == "") {
$("#uploaded-files-status").html('The ID Number of your primary proof of identification is required. If your ID does not have number, simply input N/A.');
}else {
if (($('#imgFilePath').val() !="") && ( $('#idType').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription').val() != "" && $('#idType').val() == "6") || ($('#idType').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdNumber1() {
var val = $.trim($('#idNumber1').val());
if (val == "") {
$("#uploaded-files-status1").html('The ID Number is required. If this document does not have number, simply input N/A');
}else {
if (($('#imgFilePath1').val() !="") && ( $('#idType1').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber1').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription1').val() != "" && $('#idType1').val() == "6") || ($('#idType1').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdNumber2() {
var val = $.trim($('#idNumber2').val());
if (val == "") {
$("#uploaded-files-status2").html('The ID Number is required. If this document does not have number, simply input N/A.');
}else {
if (($('#imgFilePath2').val() !="") && ( $('#idType2').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber2').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription2').val() != "" && $('#idType2').val() == "6") || ($('#idType2').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc2').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdNumber3() {
var val = $.trim($('#idNumber3').val());
if (val == "") {
$("#uploaded-files-status3").html('The ID Number is required. If this document does not have number, simply input N/A.');
}else {
if (($('#imgFilePath3').val() !="") && ( $('#idType3').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber3').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription3').val() != "" && $('#idType3').val() == "6") || ($('#idType3').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc3').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdNumberdoc1() {
var val = $.trim($('#idNumberdoc1').val());
if (val == "") {
$("#muploaded-files-status1").html('The ID Number is required. If this document does not have number, simply input N/A.');
}else {
if (($('#docFilePath1').val() !="") && ( $('#idTypedoc1').val() != "") && ($('#idNumberdoc1').val() != "") && (($('#idDescriptiondoc1').val() != "" && $('#idTypedoc1').val() == "6") || ($('#idTypedoc1').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-sdoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdType() {
if ($('#imgFilePath').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Type of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber').val() == "") {;
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Number of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
var desc = $('#idDescription').val();
if (typeof desc == "undefined") {
if($('#idType').val() == "6")
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Description of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
else { if ($('#idNumber').val() == "")
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Number of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
else {
$('#upload-adoc').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
} else if ($('#idDescription').val() == "" && $('#idType').val() == "6") {
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Description of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
if (typeof desc !== "undefined") {
if (( $('#idType').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription').val() != "" && $('#idType').val() == "6") || ($('#idType').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdDescription() {
if ($('#imgFilePath').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Type of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Number of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
if ($.trim($('#idDescription').val()) == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status').html('The ID Description of your Primary Photo ID is required.');
if (( $('#idType').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription').val() != "" && $('#idType').val() == "6") || ($('#idType').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdType1() {
if ($('#imgFilePath1').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType1').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber1').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Number is required.');
var desc1 = $('#idDescription1').val();
if (typeof desc1 == "undefined") {
if($('#idType1').val() == "6")
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Description is required.');
else {
if ($('#idNumber1').val() == "")
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Number is required.');
else {
$('#upload-adoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
} else if ($('#idDescription1').val() == "" && $('#idType1').val() == "6") {
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (typeof desc1 !== "undefined") {
if (( $('#idType1').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber1').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription1').val() != "" && $('#idType1').val() == "6") || ($('#idType1').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdDescription1() {
if ($('#imgFilePath1').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType1').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber1').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Number is required.');
if ($.trim($('#idDescription1').val()) == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (( $('#idType1').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber1').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription1').val() != "" && $('#idType1').val() == "6") || ($('#idType1').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdType2() {
if ($('#imgFilePath2').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType2').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber2').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Number is required.');
var desc2 = $('#idDescription2').val();
if (typeof desc2 == "undefined") {
if($('#idType2').val() == "6")
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Description is required.');
else { if ($('#idNumber2').val() == "")
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Number is required.');
else {
$('#upload-adoc2').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
} else if ($('#idDescription2').val() == "" && $('#idType2').val() == "6") {
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (typeof desc2 !== "undefined") {
if (( $('#idType2').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber2').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription2').val() != "" && $('#idType2').val() == "6") || ($('#idType2').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc2').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdDescription2() {
if ($('#imgFilePath2').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType2').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber2').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Number is required.');
if ($.trim($('#idDescription2').val()) == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status2').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (( $('#idType2').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber2').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription2').val() != "" && $('#idType2').val() == "6") || ($('#idType2').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc2').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdType3() {
if ($('#imgFilePath3').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType3').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber3').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Number is required.');
var desc3 = $('#idDescription3').val();
if (typeof desc3 == "undefined") {
if($('#idType3').val() == "6")
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Description is required.');
else { if ($('#idNumber3').val() == "")
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Number is required.');
else {
$('#upload-adoc3').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
} else if ($('#idDescription3').val() == "" && $('#idType3').val() == "6") {
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (typeof desc3 !== "undefined") {
if (( $('#idType3').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber3').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription3').val() != "" && $('#idType3').val() == "6") || ($('#idType3').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc3').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdDescription3() {
if ($('#imgFilePath3').val() !="") {
if ($('#idType3').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumber3').val() == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Number is required.');
if ($.trim($('#idDescription3').val()) == "") {
$('#uploaded-files-status3').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (( $('#idType3').val() != "") && ($('#idNumber3').val() != "") && (($('#idDescription3').val() != "" && $('#idType3').val() == "6") || ($('#idType3').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-adoc3').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdTypedoc1() {
if ($('#docFilePath1').val() !="") {
if ($('#idTypedoc1').val() == "") {
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumberdoc1').val() == "") {
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Number is required.');
var descdoc1 = $('#idDescriptiondoc1').val();
if (typeof descdoc1 == "undefined") {
if($('#idTypedoc1').val() == "6")
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Description is required.');
else { if ($('#idNumberdoc1').val() == "")
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Number is required.');
else {
$('#upload-sdoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
} else if ($('#idDescriptiondoc1').val() == "" && $('#idTypedoc1').val() == "6") {
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (typeof descdoc1 !== "undefined") {
if (( $('#idTypedoc1').val() != "") && ($('#idNumberdoc1').val() != "") && (($('#idDescriptiondoc1').val() != "" && $('#idTypedoc1').val() == "6") || ($('#idTypedoc1').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-sdoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
function changeIdDescriptiondoc1() {
if ($('#docFilePath1').val() !="") {
if ($('#idTypedoc1').val() == "") {
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Type is required.');
} else {
if ($('#idNumberdoc1').val() == "") {
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Number is required.');
if ($.trim($('#idDescriptiondoc1').val()) == "") {
$('#muploaded-files-status1').html('The ID Description is required.');
if (( $('#idTypedoc1').val() != "") && ($('#idNumberdoc1').val() != "") && (($('#idDescriptiondoc1').val() != "" && $('#idTypedoc1').val() == "6") || ($('#idTypedoc1').val() != "6"))) {
$('#upload-sdoc1').html('Support document was uploaded successfully!
//decimals, decimal_sep, thousands_sep
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(c, d, t){
var n = this, c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c, d = d == undefined ? "," : d, t = t == undefined ? "." : t, s = n < 0 ? "-" : "", i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "", j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");